Sunday, January 10, 2010

Salt Lick!

I wish I had a picture of it, two large bull moose licking our vehicles clean of the road salt in the middle of the Maine woods. How funny it must have looked! Imagine being in the vehicle as it is happening? The Subaru and Tundra both have moose tongue lick marks all over them.

A very busy first Saturday at Halfway Haven. Twenty people in less than 2 hours on a very cold Saturday. Our youngest customer was 4 years old! Looking forward to the season in full force! The trails are in need of more snow though...time for another storm.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, well time sure flies! We are currently experiencing blizzard conditions and I am very happy that snowmobiling has officially begun! Unfortunately we have spent the New Year in town, but Fearless Leader has accomplished some serious, much needed, hard work. Front struts on the Tundra, a new clutch in the Subaru, and much needed snowmobile maintenance to get us up and running in the woods. Not to mention Gram's birthday. She turned 92 New Years Day.
This blizzard should wind down this afternoon and we will hopefully be home safe and sound. Monday, January 4th, Halfway Haven is open to our snowmobile friends and we are all excited to begin another season exercising our service skills. As Crazymountaingirl says, "Mom. it's like we wait all year just to do Halfway Haven!" I have to agree with her, we all absolutely love it.
When we left home on December 31st, I still had my car there! We put signs up alerting the snowmobilers to the possiblity of meeting a vehicle on the trail. It is only for 2 miles. The loggers are still very close to home, and they asked me to follow a truck out when I was leaving that day for safety sake. They are concerned because we have not had a CB. We do now though!
Also, we were blessed with a visit from Safety Man whom also just recieved his driver's permit on Christmas Eve. Congratulations Safety Man!
Well...that's all for now. I'll let you know how opening day goes!